After going through the lesson, I found a few issues from both the student and trainer sides.
Student Sides
The problem for …
Task 1: The task question wasn’t clear.
- Should make the question clearer or
- set the task type to lesson task or
- change the verification type to trainers verification
Task 4: The system reported a bug issue if we set the player to “shark”
- Should add another answer for setPlayer(“shark”)
Task 16
The score incrementation was a bit weird. When the bird passed the first obstacle, the score sometimes will increment to 2 and sometimes works like normal. This the link for the screen recording
by the way, I was a bit frustrated cause it is so hard to pass to the 2nd obstacle
Trainer Sides
Cannot view the codes for other event handlers like click. This the link for the screen recording
Can’t save the edited code from the trainer side. This the link for the screen recording